Market Viewpoints

Were the 1970s really that bad?
Market Viewpoints

Were the 1970s really that bad?

Lost in the turmoil of the 1970s, is the fact it was a decade full of breakthroughs in electronic, data-processing...
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Markets Bet on Sharpest Pace of Fed Tightening Since 1988
Market Viewpoints

Markets Bet on Sharpest Pace of Fed Tightening Since 1988

A man climbs a tall read ladder leading to higher interest rates. The bond market sell-off is overdone. Given the...
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Japanese Yen loses more value than Russian Ruble during March
Market Viewpoints

Japanese Yen loses more value than Russian Ruble during March

Yen Flying in City “The S&P 500 has risen +10% since the US Federal Reserve raised interest rates. It’s almost...
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Russia’s desire for a “buffer zone” could start a new Cold War
Market Viewpoints

Russia’s desire for a “buffer zone” could start a new Cold War

President Vladimir Putin’s actions make more hard-hitting economic sanctions against Russia inevitable. If Ukraine falls, will Putin move into Eastern...
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Boomerang equity markets as the US Fed signals interest rate lift-off in March
Market Viewpoints

Boomerang equity markets as the US Fed signals interest rate lift-off in March

At his press conference this week Fed Chair Jerome Powell noted that the inflation situation had gotten worse and the...
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What would Hans Gruber and Ophelia make of current bond yields?
Market Viewpoints

What would Hans Gruber and Ophelia make of current bond yields?

What’s bond yields got to do with Die Hard, Trading Places ? read in. The disinflationary impact of the two...
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Coal comfort
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Coal comfort

It took two centuries before coal overtook wood as the world’s top energy resource and it took oil a century...
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The AUKUS ruckus
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The AUKUS ruckus

The AUKUS defence is a disaster for France and it has reduced the EU to the status of a paper...
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“Captain America” – homeward bound
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“Captain America” – homeward bound

The US has played the role of global cop, answering 911 calls. Captain America is homeward bound. Sometimes getting out...
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The case for Inflation has weakened but be happy the risk of deflation is off the table
Market Viewpoints

The case for Inflation has weakened but be happy the risk of deflation is off the table

“The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones.” John Maynard Keynes Summary Despite...
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A high inflation print in April, but will the sequels disappoint?
Market Viewpoints

A high inflation print in April, but will the sequels disappoint?

“Inflation is not all bad. After all, it has allowed every American to live in a more expensive neighbourhood without...
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Market Viewpoints

Inflation will return, the question is when

“In a world organized in accordance with Keynes’ specifications, there would be a constant race between the printing press and...
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Market Viewpoints

Can the United States wean itself off stimulus?

“It’s not whether you’re right or wrong that’s important, it’s how much money you make when you’re right and how...
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Market Viewpoints

Herd immunity and rising bond yields

“The desire to perform all the time is usually a barrier to performing over time.” Robert Olstein Summary Around this...
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Market Viewpoints

Are the second Roaring ‘20s on their way?

“Complacency often afflicts precisely those who have been the most successful.” Andrew Grove Summary Covid-19 vaccination programs are accelerating globally...
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Market Viewpoints

V for Vaccine and a V-shaped recovery

“Far more money has been lost by investors preparing for stock market corrections, than from the corrections themselves.” -Peter Lynch...
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Market Viewpoints

US election 2020: Will Trump do a Truman?

“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills” Unknown Summary In 1948, as the...
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Market Viewpoints

Covid-19 “second wave”?

“It is too difficult to think nobly when one thinks only of earning a living.” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau Summary The number...
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Market Viewpoints

The Stock Market is not the Economy

“Buy when everyone else is selling and hold when everyone else is buying. This is not merely a catchy slogan....
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Market Viewpoints

US presidential transitions are generally a smooth affair, will the next one be as smooth?

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we...
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